Modern Slavery Act Statement 2021

About us

Orange VFX Studios is Nigeria’s leading animation and visual effects studio. It is also a Pan-African digital content production company and provider of training services. The company has a broad range of clients, students, and employees which operate in different levels of the production workflow. Orange VFX through its training school has trained and empowered over 300 Africans in various aspects of digital content production and has also recently started the Orange seed program to train over 1000 African Youth by the end of the year 2021.


What is modern slavery?

Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. Modern slavery can take many forms, including forced labor, slavery, servitude and human trafficking. This crime can manifest itself in many ways, but what each of its forms will have in common is the exploitation of a person for another person’s (or organization’s) benefit. The UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA) consolidated anti-slavery and human trafficking offences into one piece of legislation and under the MSA it is an offence to:

  1. Hold another person in slavery or servitude or require another person to perform forced or compulsory labor;
  2. Arrange or facilitate the travel of any person across borders with a view to that person being exploited (i.e. conduct or be involved in human trafficking); or
  3. Commit an offence with the intention to commit human trafficking.


Our commitment to fighting slavery

Orange VFX has a zero tolerance approach to slavery, in all its forms, within its organization. It is committed to running its business in an ethical and lawful manner and, as such, all persons working for us, and all our esteemed clients, must comply with the law and help the company to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our business.

Orange VFX continues to voluntarily pay every member of staff over the age of 18 a fair wage – in line with the cost of living and significantly above the current national minimum wage. Orange VFX also imposes this obligation on third party organizations who supply us with staff to work with us.

Third parties in our production chain include manufacturers of our licensed products and suppliers of merchandise, office equipment, software, food and beverages and maintenance and other services including hiring talents and crew members.

Orange VFX has in place a risk assessment which identifies the areas most at risk from slavery and human trafficking. Orange VFX reviews its risk assessment periodically in order to identify any new or changing risks and ensure that safeguards are being put in place lower down the chain to minimize the risk of exploitation and trafficking.

Our anti-slavery policies and procedures

We have put in place our anti-slavery policies which we expect our suppliers, contractors, clients, and other business partners, as well as those working for us, to comply with. We have a whistleblowing policy in place to allow employees to help us tackle corruption and crime, including modern slavery. Employees, and anybody connected with us, are encouraged to speak up if they have concerns about these issues in our business place.


Our staff and employees

Orange VFX has an internal procurement function that has robust procedures to select new employees against objective pre-agreed criteria to mitigate risks to the company. Orange VFX also has a rigorous onboarding process for new employees that ensures they meet Orange VFX minimum standards and includes enhanced due diligence checks to identify slavery and trafficking risks. Orange VFX is committed to creating and ensuring a non-discriminatory and safe working environment for its staff.


Assessment of effectiveness

In order to assess the effectiveness of the measures taken by Orange VFX we will continue to regularly review and refine our policies and procedures in relation to violence or assault, bribery and discrimination and will include updates on any actions we take in the future. This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps taken by Orange VFX to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business.

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Who We Are

We unlock what brands can truly do with our state-of-the-art animation and visual effects. Plus, we’re committed to nurturing and developing the up-and-coming African digital content creators!

Production Office

36, Ajose Street,
Lawanson, Surulere,
Lagos, Nigeria


34, Ajose Street,
Lawanson, Surulere,
Lagos, Nigeria

Student Hostel

33, Aderibigbe Street,
Lawanson, Surulere,
Lagos, Nigeria

Call +234-814-771-9409

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