Orange VFX Masterclass

31 January 2023
Posted in News
31 January 2023 Flora Ezeani


It is 2023, and we are 90% sure that some people have made resolutions, one of which is to make more money. It is great to have big-money goals, but building sustainable wealth might require learning and developing in-demand skills for young people.

This is why Orange VFX is introducing the Orange VFX Masterclass. This is one of the BEST digital art training in Africa; the benefits of this Masterclass are mind-blowing. As stated, our vision is to bridge the knowledge gap in the Createch industry, and our mission is to train at least 10 000 youth yearly.

We began training over 9 years ago, empowering youth with various digital art skills and providing mentorship and internships. We have recorded success from past students, so we decided to take the training a step higher by launching a Masterclass series. Before we delve into those, two critical questions in your mind we need to answer are: who is this Masterclass for, and how much will it cost?

The Masterclass has been designed for people who have beginner or intermediate-level knowledge acquired in our school or through other means of learning. It offers students the best opportunity to learn from experts in this industry. Which of the skills will you like to gain advanced knowledge on? Is it Photography? Motion Graphics?  3D Character Modelling, Character Acting, or 3D Animation? These courses will be available to you in this Masterclass.

The benefits of signing up for a Masterclass are numerous. Students will gain expert-level training and valuable insights into how professionals approach their work. Students will be taken through the nitty-gritty of our workflow and the production pipeline, taught secrets and walked through technical issues they will likely face as they navigate their work.

Additionally, students will have the opportunity to interact through live sessions with experts from other parts of the world. There will be periodic projects providing extra practice opportunities to help them understand what they are taught and gain quick mastery of what is being taught.

Another beautiful thing about this is that it has been designed for those who can attend physically or online. You do not have to worry about your distance or work schedule. If you do not reside in Lagos or are a busy 9-5 worker, you can still register and take the classes because they will be held every weekend.

With all the value promised, how much will this cost? The cost of the Masterclass will be announced later. Still, we can assure prospects that this will be a worthy investment with an ROI more fantastic than they ever imagined.

Having read to this point, we encourage you to make up your mind and plan and take advantage of this life-changing opportunity. Your future self will be grateful you did.

Suppose you have gained the beginner and intermediate knowledge levels and would take your skill to the next level; NOW is the time to secure your spot to learn from seasoned instructors.

If you haven’t taken the beginner or intermediate-level training and want to do so before the Masterclass, you can check our training page to find the courses that suit your need. For further details about the master class, please join the waitlist by subscribing to the blog. This way, you get first-hand information about Masterclass.



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We unlock what brands can truly do with our state-of-the-art animation and visual effects. Plus, we’re committed to nurturing and developing the up-and-coming African digital content creators!

Production Office

36, Ajose Street,
Lawanson, Surulere,
Lagos, Nigeria


34, Ajose Street,
Lawanson, Surulere,
Lagos, Nigeria

Student Hostel

33, Aderibigbe Street,
Lawanson, Surulere,
Lagos, Nigeria

Call +234-814-771-9409

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